Page banner image is a swirl of musical notes on a gold background

The Fine Arts Chorale
Weymouth, Massachusetts

Spring 2025 Concert

Fern Hill by John Corigliano
The Peaceable Kingdom by Randall Thompson
Dreamweaver by Ola Gjeilo

Sunday, May 4th, 2025 at 2 PM
Old South Union Church,
25 Columbian Street,
South Weymouth, MA

Richard Travers
Music Director

Accompanist Beth Dubuisson

Beth Dubuisson

Sing with the
Fine Arts Chorale

Sharing the joy of music in
our community

Our History

Board of Directors

Our Sponsors

Thank you to our sponsors, donors, and supporters.
Your generosity has allowed us to
share music for over 55 years.

With the support of

South Shore Music Circus