Richard Travers, Music Director

Music Director Richard Travers joined the Fine Arts Chorale in 2009. He has an extensive background in both jazz and classical music. Director Travers currently directs both the Fine Arts Chorale and the Newton Community Chorus.
Before retiring in 2010 as music educator in the Newton Schools, Director Travers directed the choirs at Newton North High School and was recognized for his work with students as the inaugural recipient of the Elicker Award for Teaching Excellence.
Career Highlights
A highlight of Director Travers’ career was participating in a performance of Duke Ellington’s Sacred Music with jazz greats Rebeca Parris, Dick Johnson and Herb Pomeroy. The late Herb Pomeroy, who played with Duke Ellington, conducted the concert. It was selected by the Boston Globe as one of the “top ten jazz concerts of 1998.”
Other highlights include 14 choral concert tours throughout Europe with the Family Singers of Newton North High School, including performances at Liverpool Cathedral, Notre Dame and St Peter’s.
Director Traver’s experience is expansive.
- Music Director of the Rosie’s Place Jazz Choir, working closely with the late Kip Tiernan, founder of Rosie’s Place.
- Assistant Music Director of the Masterworks Chorale
- Choral Director of Fitchburg State College
- Choral Director of the New England Conservatory Youth Chorale
- Guest conductor of the Melbourne (AU) Youth Choir and the Massachusetts Music Educators Northeast, Southeast, Central and Western Festival Choirs
- Adjudicator for the Massachusetts Instrumental and Choral Conductors Association Festivals and for Music in the Parks.
Richard Travers maintains a busy private studio that provides instruction on voice, theory, songwriting, and piano to students from age 7 to 92. He has recently developed a music lecture series of varied topics that has been successful in many senior living communities throughout Massachusetts.
Master’s degree in Choral Conducting from the Boston Conservatory
as a student of Allen Lannom
Degree in Music Education from Berklee College of Music

Read about our Accompanist and the History of the Fine Arts Chorale